This latest installment in the “Betrayals” series of “How to Stan” episodes tells the true stories of false identities. First, the story of Marla Olmstead, a painter and alleged child prodigy whose actual abilities were questioned after a 60 Minutes investigation. The second story is about how Timothy Barrus portrayed himself as a Navajo man named Nasdijj while writing his memoirs, and what happened when the truth about his life story came to light. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
How to Stan: Art and Book ”Hoaxes”
Dec 06, 2020
17 Carat K-Pop
This channel hosts two podcasts that currently have an audience spanning 39 countries! 17 Carat K-Pop is a podcast covering news from both the world of K-pop and the music industry as a whole. Episode topics include the history of K-pop, artist-specific episodes diving into their music video universes, album reviews, current events, the intersection of tech and music, and much more! The other podcast with episodes on this feed is How to Stan, a show about both specific fandoms and fandom culture as a whole. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
This channel hosts two podcasts that currently have an audience spanning 39 countries! 17 Carat K-Pop is a podcast covering news from both the world of K-pop and the music industry as a whole. Episode topics include the history of K-pop, artist-specific episodes diving into their music video universes, album reviews, current events, the intersection of tech and music, and much more! The other podcast with episodes on this feed is How to Stan, a show about both specific fandoms and fandom culture as a whole. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>Listen on
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