W.M.L: “I have unfinished life lessons waiting for me…”
W.M.L shares words to live by, thoughts on inevitable relationship hardships, and beliefs about how music can lead to self-discovery. W.M.L 分享了生活的格言、對不可避免的人際關係困難的看法、以及關於音樂如何引導自我發現的信念。
For those who have not heard your music before, how would you describe it to them? How would you finish the sentence “W.M.L is ___” or “W.M.L’s music is ___”?
對於那些以前沒有聽過您的音樂的人,您會如何向他們描述您的音樂?您會怎樣完 成這句話「W.M.L 是___」或「W.M.L 的音樂是___」?
“W.M.L is a subconscious poet,” [and] “W.M.L's music is full of soul.” My music is like a kind of subconscious soul music. It [details] a lot of unspeakable pain and entanglements. But in recent years, I have also written a lot of songs that make me feel happy.
我的音樂很像一種潛意識、靈魂的音樂 記錄了很多說不出口的痛苦、糾結 但近幾年,也寫了很多自己感覺到快樂的歌曲 W.M.L 是潛意識的詩人 W.M.L的音樂是 充滿靈魂性的
What is the story behind how you first became a musician?
I am a person with many facets and complex emotions. When I was a child, I didn’t know how to express my inner feelings correctly and often suppressed a lot of emotions. When I was in primary school, I heard Eminem's songs. My English was not very good at that time, so although I could not understand what he was saying, I could feel his and my own emotions expressed. From then on, I started to think about writing songs and expressing my emotions in lyrics and songs.
我是個有很多面向,情緒複雜的一個人 小時候不太知道如何正確的表達內心感受 常常壓抑了很多情緒。 小學的時候,我聽到Eminem的歌曲, 當時英文不太好,雖然聽不懂他在說什麼 但可以感覺到他的情緒 而我自己的情緒也在那個片刻,被抒發了 從那時候我就開始想自己嘗試寫歌 把情緒抒發到歌詞、歌曲裡面
What are the three biggest sources of inspiration for your music?
The rhythm of rap music [and] the joys and sorrows in life.
How has your music changed over the years?
Writing songs was like healing myself in the beginning, and I gradually understood myself better through writing. After the healing was complete, I felt that the styles of music I could write became more diverse, and the element of happiness was added.
我覺得一開始寫歌很像在治療自己 情緒抒發,後來慢慢的藉由寫歌詞更理解自己 治療完整後,我覺得我可以寫的曲風變很多種 快樂的因素也加進來了
Do you feel like a different person when you are referred to as “W.M.L” instead of “William Marshall Lee”? Does “W.M.L” feel like a different persona, and if so, how is “W.M.L” different from “William”?
當別人稱呼您為「William Marshall Lee」而不是「William M.L」時,您是否覺得自己像變了一個人?
[“W.M.L” is] just an artist name. It's like a soldier's name, subconsciously recording [the feeling of being in a battle while] on the stage. In [contrast], “William” feels like a more intimate name. It's [for] a softer, private [version of] me.
我覺得W.M.L 或William Marshall Lee 感覺是一樣的 就是artist name 它很像一個戰士的名字 記錄了很多我潛意識裡、或舞台上的戰爭感 相較之下 William 感覺是比較親切的名字 它很像我此時此刻、私底下,比較柔和的自己~
You have been open about experiencing bullying. First of all, I am sorry to hear that. Second of all, what advice do you have for other people who experience bullying? How did you deal with it?
您公開談論了自己遭受霸凌的經歷。首先,我很遺憾聽到這個消息。其次,您對其他 遭受霸凌的人有什麼建議?你是如何處理的?
I can't give any advice. I can only believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Even if it's something serious or terrible, [having to deal with it] just means that I have unfinished life lessons waiting for me to learn.
我沒辦法給出什麼建議,只能相信生命發生的事情都是有原因的 就算是非常嚴重、糟糕的事情 那只代表自己有尚未完成的人生課題 等著我去學習
You have described a “love-hate relationship” with “Mysterious.” Could you explain what you meant by that?
您曾用《神秘》這首歌來形容一種「愛恨交織的關係」。你能解釋一下你這樣說的意思 嗎?
I'm not sure what "love" means, but I have a strong desire to control love, because I'm very afraid of getting hurt in a relationship. But rationally, I know that no one can really be controlled, so there [must be] a balance between rationality and emotions. That entanglement often leads to hatred.
我不是很確定「愛」是什麼意思 但我在愛裡的控制欲非常強 因為我非常害怕在感情裡受傷 但其實理性上又知道,事實上沒有人真的能被控制 所以當中,理性與感性的糾結感 常常衍生出恨
What was it like working with Vicky Chen on “But You Give It Up,” and what is something people might be surprised to learn about the song?
和 Vicky Chen 合作創作《But You Give It Up》感覺如何?
I think this is a very hopeful song. The lyrics express that no matter how painful the things are, if I can hold on, there will still be light in the future. As for the rap part, I think [my] musicality has become better, because I spent a lot of time learning how to present my tone and better match my flow with the rhythm of the music.
我覺得這是一首很有希望的歌曲 歌詞想表達 不管遇到多痛苦的事情 我相信撐過去,未來都還是有光的。而這首歌我饒舌的部分 我覺得音樂性變得更好了 因為我花很多時間學習 我的rap tone該如何呈現 以及我的flow該如何更配合音樂的節奏
What was it like working with Kimberley on “Dawn,” and what is something people might be surprised to learn about that song?
與金伯利 (Kimberley) 合作創作《Dawn》感覺如何?
This song describes the entanglements in relationships. The person who controls others will eventually be controlled. [The song shows that] my rapping has improved. I found that the flow of rap is very similar to drumming.
這首歌在形容感情裡 控制別人的人 最後也是被控制的 那一份糾結感 我饒舌的部分又更進步了 我發現饒舌的flow很像打鼓 節奏
What is one career goal you have already accomplished, and what is one career goal you are still working on?
I have already achieved my goal of becoming a rapper. My other goal is to continue to follow my gut feelings and write songs that I like.
我已經實現當饒舌歌手了 其他的目標 應該就是繼續follow自己的gut feeling 寫出自己喜歡的歌
Lastly, is there anything else you want to say about yourself or your music?
I release new songs very often. Every song is very nice to listen to and is made sincerely. There are all kinds of styles and emotions [in them].
我很常發新歌,每一首都是當下很真誠做出來的音樂 而且每一首都很好聽 各種風格、情緒都有
Check out some of W.M.L’s newest singles here and here, and follow him on Instagram here!
在這裡和這裡查看 W.M.L 的一些最新單曲,並在這裡關注他的 Instagram!
Answers have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. Photos courtesy of SKR Presents.
為了清晰起見,答案已略作編輯和壓縮。照片由 SKR Presents 提供。