THE SIXTH LIE on Retro-Futurism and Reality-Making
Member Arata talks about everything from the band’s beginnings to virtual reality. メンバーのアラタがバンドの始まりからバーチャルリアリティまで語る。
Please introduce yourselves and describe what talents each member adds to the group!
I bring my experience as a stage actor to live performances. I have a wide network of contacts and have worked in songwriting sessions with various artists.
Arata. 舞台役者での経験を活かし、ライブパフォーマンスに還元。幅広い人脈を持ち、様々なアーティストと楽曲制作セッション・リリースを行う。
[Guitarist] Reiji is in charge of compositions, arrangements, and writing lyrics for some of the songs. He is the central figure in deciding the direction of the band.
Gt. Reiji 作曲アレンジを担当しており、一部の楽曲の作詞も担当。バンドの方向性を中心となって決めている。
[Bassist] Ryusei is in charge of managing THE SIXTH LIE's [social media accounts]. He is the center of PR activities.
Ba. Ryusei THE SIXTH LIEのSNS運営を担当している。広報活動の中心。
[Drummer] Ray is in charge of lyrics, directing and editing all [music videos] and live footage, and producing art.
Dr.Ray 作詞を担当。全MV、ライブ映像の監督・編集、アートの制作を務める。
For those who have not heard your music before, how would you describe it to them?
The music of THE SIXTH LIE is based on the “Retro Future” theme. THE SIXTH LIE is a four-member band that expresses the ideal future that people of the past envisioned as sound.
THE SIXTH LIE の音楽は “Retro Future” をテーマに掲げ、過去の人々が思い描いていた理想の未来を音として表現している4人組バンドです。
What convinced you to pursue a music career?
When I was in elementary school, my best friend played the guitar and asked me if I wanted to start a band together. I joined as a vocalist. After that, I went to university and aimed to become a professional long-distance runner, but I was injured and gave up. I joined THE SIXTH LIE to pursue my other dream of becoming a musician.
小学生の時親友がギターを弾いており、一緒にバンドをやらないかとボーカルとして参加したことがきっかけでバンドを組みました。その後、大学に進学し長距離ランナーとしてプロを目指していましたが、怪我により挫折をしてしまい。もう一つの夢であったミュージシャンを目指しTHE SIXTH LIEに加入しました。
Please describe your new single, “Virtual Sky.”
新しいシングル「Virtual Sky」について教えてください。
In today's society, the internet and [social media] allow us to connect anywhere in the world. The boundaries between reality and virtual reality are blurring, and even our own limitations are expanding. This song encourages everyone to reach out for the ideal futures they have inside of them.
Your band name was inspired by the quote “Art is the most beautiful of all lies.” What does that quote mean to you?
In essence, what we do is just emit waves of sound, transform them into various shapes, and mix them together, but some people imagine landscapes when they hear it, and some even shed tears. We believe that fiction - lies - that shouldn't exist can be sublimated into something beautiful - art - with technology.
What are some of the current sources of inspiration for your music?
I am inspired by things related to retro-futurism, such as the movies Back to the Future and Blade Runner, and the art of people from the past who predicted the future.
映画”Back to the Future”、”Blade Runner”や過去の人々が想像した未来予想のアートなど“Retro Future”にまつわるものからインスピレーションを受けています。
What is a memory that stands out to you from the past ten years of being in THE SIXTH LIE?
THE SIXTH LIE に在籍した過去 10 年間で特に印象に残っている思い出は何ですか?
We shot the music video for “Hibana” on a snowy mountain, and I was shivering for a long time because I was wearing light clothing. I lost my wallet, but it was returned to the information center, and since I was in a hurry during filming, I got on the back of a snowmobile to get it.
What was your reaction when you were invited to perform at Knotfest? And did performing at Knotfest help prepare you for future live performances?
Knotfest に出演するよう招待されたときの反応はどうでしたか? Knotfest でのパフォーマンスは、今後のライブ パフォーマンスの準備に役立ちましたか?
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep much on the day I was asked to perform. I performed on the same stage as the artists I had always admired. Being able to perform on a big stage gave me confidence, and that day helped me improve my MC and live performance [skills].
The last time you released a full-length album was in 2019. Are there any current plans to make a new full album?
最後にフル アルバムをリリースしたのは 2019 年です。 現在、新しいフル アルバムを作る予定はありますか?
I don't have any plans to release a full album at the moment, but I've been releasing new songs once a month, so if the opportunity arises, I would like to use that as a basis for a full album.
What is your personal favorite THE SIXTH LIE song, and why?
個人的に THE SIXTH LIE の曲の中で一番好きな曲は何ですか? また、その理由は?
“Wonderland.” It's an up-tempo song that will definitely get you excited at a live performance, as it makes you want to move your body when you listen to it. Also, as a first attempt, we plan to release an English version and a Japanese version to coincide with the Thai release. Each version has a nicely balanced melody and lyrics, so you can enjoy each version over and over again.
「Wonderland」という楽曲です。アップテンポで聴いていて、思わず体を動かしたくなるようなライブで絶対に盛り上がる楽曲です。また初めての試みとして、タイ語でのリリースに合わせ、英語ver. 日本語ver. もリリース予定です。どのバージョンもメロディに対して歌詞の聞き心地のいい音ハメがうまくいったので、それぞれの良さが出ておりver.違いで何度も楽しめます。
Which THE SIXTH LIE song seems to be a fan favorite, and why do you think that is?
THE SIXTH LIE の曲の中でファンに人気がある曲はどれですか? また、その理由は?
“Hibana.” It is the ending theme for the first season of Golden Kamuy and our first anime tie-up song, so it is always included in our live performance setlist. I think many people have gotten to know our band [through] this song.
What are your goals for 2025?
2025 年の目標は何ですか?
I want more people to listen to [our] music, so my goal is to double our monthly listeners on Spotify.
自分がリリースした曲をもっと多くの人に聴いてもらいたいので、Spotify の月間リスナー数を 2 倍にするのが目標です。
Lastly, is there anything else you want to say about yourself or your music?
We'll be releasing a new song on the sixth of every month from January to June, so be sure to check them out!
Keep up with THE SIXTH LIE on Instagram here and here, on Twitter/X here and here, and on TikTok here and here!
Answers have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. Photo credit: Instagram.