Picturemegreen on Keeping Her Music “Natural”
The singer describes her varied sources of inspiration and how “love is the thread that weaves everything together.”
For those who have not heard your music before, how would you describe it to them? How would you finish the sentence “Picturemegreen is ___” or “Picturemegreen’s music is ___”?
“Picturemegreen’s music is nothing but natural.” It [has] a lot of layers. You might recognize some of the influences, but there’s nothing too simple about it. It’s soothing, but with a lot of different elements to explore.
How did you choose your stage name, and did you consider any other stage names first?
I actually went through hundreds of options and spent a lot of time thinking about it. I asked my friends for their thoughts, and no matter how hard I tried, nothing felt right. Then, when I was parting ways with the friends I was making music with, as I was riding the bus home, I saw trees along the Han River swaying in the wind, and they looked so natural. That moment made me realize that I wanted to make music that felt true to who I am, like I was just being myself. That led to the idea of “Picture me green,” as in, “See me as I am; see me through a natural lens.”
Who or what first inspired you to pursue a music career?
My journey into music has been pretty gradual. The first time I really got into singing was when I was very young, and the theme song from the anime 달빛천사 [Full Moon o Sagashite] played a big role. I think that’s when I first realized how fun singing could be, and that’s what got me started. As for what really shaped my musical style and pushed me forward, it was indie bands and a lot of R&B. I was listening to a ton of The 1975, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Ariana Grande, and that’s when I started writing my own songs.
What are the three most common sources of inspiration for your music?
The music of artists I admire, my room, and love. The music from my favorite artists always feels fresh, like a never-ending well of new ideas. My room, on the other hand, remains a constant, a quiet, steady space where I can always find myself. And love is the thread that weaves everything together, always connecting the dots [and] bringing depth and meaning to my thoughts and songs.
What career would you be pursuing today if it could not be music-related?
I probably would open a workshop of some sort; I’ve always loved making things with my hands. Or I might have become a teacher. I discovered the joy of teaching through vocal lessons, and it’s something I really enjoy.
Please describe your newest single, “something we missed..”!
My latest single, “something we missed..,” is a pretty emotional one. I worked on it with my new producer friend, OlEO, and it’s about the bittersweet feeling of watching a relationship slowly fade. It’s a story of feeling sad, letting go, trying to hold on, and ultimately facing heartache. Working with OlEO was a lot of fun. Even though it was our first time collaborating, everything clicked so well. Our visions aligned, and we were able to create the track smoothly. What was even better was how OlEO caught some ideas that I hadn’t thought of, and that really made the song come together. I’m definitely looking forward to more projects with him in the future.
Please talk about each of these songs:
“Theodore”: “Theodore” is a track I created with my previous team, BlankOnSpeaker. The story behind this song means a lot to me, and it’s definitely one of my favorites. Originally, the topline was different; I decided to scrap it and write a new hook. About a year later, the team 오빠들 took that hook and shaped it into the topline we have now. It eventually became part of a compilation album. I’m really proud of how it turned out.
“Bloom”: This was my first single release. Honestly, there’s a lot I wish I could’ve tweaked about it. Initially, I wanted to release it with just my guitar and voice, but as things evolved, it became a full-track song. I still love it, though. I’m actually thinking about releasing an acoustic version soon, to go back to that original stripped-down vibe.
“cross your mind”: This track is a mash-up of two songs. At the time, I was working on two pieces with the same tempo and thought, “Why not combine them?” So I merged the different feelings and put everything together. It has a bit of a city-pop vibe to it, and every time I listen to it, I feel like it has a comforting, uplifting energy.
“fish type”: This is one of my personal favorites. It’s about that feeling of liking someone who’s a bit of a player while also feeling frustrated by it. It’s about being the fool who knows they’re being played but can’t help but like the person. From a distance, both the one who’s being played and the one doing the playing kind of seem the same. I wanted to capture that messy, conflicted emotion in the song.
What songs or artists are you listening to the most these days?
Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Kendrick Lamar, SUMIN, [and] Slom. I’ve also been diving into some old-school punk songs.
What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
In the short term, I just want to release a lot of singles. Long-term, my goal is to perform on big stages. Just like how I feel happiness listening to other people’s music, I want to share that same kind of joy with my own music on stage.
Lastly, is there anything else you want to say about yourself or your music?
In the past, when I was working on songs, I held back a lot [and] wasn’t as bold or open with my emotions. But these days, I feel like I’m pushing myself more, and my personality has changed a lot. I’m excited to share more diverse tracks with you all, so I’d be super grateful if you [would] keep listening and supporting me!
Check out Picturemegreen’s newest single, “something we missed..,” here, and keep up with her on Instagram here!
Answers have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. Photos courtesy of Picturemegreen.