Get to Know Nahee!
I had the pleasure of asking Nahee about her music, fandom name ideas, personal definition of success, and more!
For those who have not heard your music before, how would you describe it to them? How would you finish the sentence “Nahee’s music is ___”?
To those who haven’t heard my music before, I’d describe my music as “the story I’d like to share.”
When did you first realize you wanted to be a singer? Was there a specific moment when you realized how passionate about music you are?
I have wanted to be a singer since I was little. However, when I realized I’m actually serious about music was when I spent days and nights without pretty much any sleep preparing [music] all by myself. So I think that’s when I became passionate about music.
Where do you find motivation and inspiration for your music? Are there any specific people, places, or things that inspire you?
I find motivation and inspiration for my music mostly in relationships with other people. To be completely honest, my ex has had a lot to do with my songs. And things like my wounds from the past and my favorite music have been the sources of my inspiration.
What is your latest single, “City Drive,” about?
When I wrote “City Drive,” I was mentally and physically drained. I wanted to focus on songwriting but couldn’t, because I was just so exhausted. So I put all those complicated emotions into what I’d refer to as “you,” which explains some of the lyrics that go like, “Please pretend that you don’t know me / No, please hug me again.”
How is “City Drive” different from your previous singles?
With all my other singles, I was always on my own, but this time, I worked with producer lotian, one of my favorite producers and friends. For the first time, I felt like I was able to actually communicate with someone else while making music.
“City Drive” is a great song to listen to while going on a drive, of course, but where else is a great place to be while listening to it?
Other than while going on a drive, I recommend you to listen to the song alone in your room late at night.
Do you plan to make a “City Drive” music video?
Yes, of course! (You reading this, MUN HWA IN [the company]? Haha).
You have released some singles but not a full album or mini-album yet. Do you plan to keep releasing just singles, or do you plan to release an album soon?
Yes, I’ve actually been working on my first EP, so I hope you’ll get to check it out pretty soon.
Do you want to stick to the type of music you are making now, or would you prefer to mix things up and release new music that sounds completely different from your older music?
When I find my unique color and feel that I am ready, I would love to try different music styles.
Do you have a fandom name? If not, are there any names you are currently considering?
I haven’t actually thought about a fandom name at all. Well, maybe “Nabba,” which is short for “Nahee Bbasuni” (which roughly translates to “a female stan or hardcore fan”), and “Nahee Bbadori” (which roughly translates to “a male stan or hardcore fan”).
What is it like to record music during the pandemic? What obstacles have you had to deal with to make music the past few years, and what are you excited to do when the pandemic ends?
During the pandemic, the joy of making music as a group became something difficult to achieve. I can’t wait to perform at concerts when the pandemic ends.
How do you define success with regards to your music career?
I’ll feel like I truly made it when I finally get to work with artists that I admire and look up to.
What are your goals and dreams for the future of your music career?
For the future of my music career, I’d love to try different genres or styles when I am certain with my color and musical ego. Also, I hope to comfort listeners with my music.
What are your goals and dreams not related to your music career?
I hope to love myself and be happy. My ultimate goal in life is to be kind to myself.
What advice do you have for others who want to become famous singers?
Heaven helps those who help themselves. I am not good enough to give someone advice, but I believe that the harder we try, the luckier we get. My best wishes for future singers!
Check out Nahee’s latest single here!